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Know how to treat tonsils at home


Know how to treat tonsils at home

Know how to treat tonsils at home

Tonsilitis is a particularly common disease during winter.

This disease is caused by viral or bacterial infection, resulting in a number of symptoms such as tonsil swelling, throat infection, and pains in swallowing.

And the following are the ways to treat tonsils at home:

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1. A salt-water gang can help calm down and alleviate the pain of the tonsilitis, as it helps reduce infections and may contribute to the elimination of infections.

2. Honey-warm tea. Honey-warm tea, like tea, can help reduce the pain from tonsil infections, and besides, natural honey has antibacterial properties that can help treat tonsil infections.

3. Ice cream has a very effective effect in treating pain, inflammation and swelling associated with tonsil infections, so eating ice cream like ice-fruit suckers, and ice cream.

4. Epulsive disks generally play a big role in relieving and calming throat pain, but the effectiveness of emulsive disks varies in performing their function from one species to another; some emulsive disks may contain components that have anti-inflammatory properties or can naturally palliate pain.

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5. Air refreshments

Where air dryers are increasing, like most Arab States, air moisturizers can be used to alleviate throat and mouth drought when tonsillitis occur.

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